Bangkok Street Food - Engelse versie

ISBN: 9789020987836

Auteurs: Tom Vandenberghe Eva Verplaetse

Publicatiedatum: 24-11-2009

Publicatiestatus: actief

Publicatievorm: Hardback

NUR: 442: Keuken per land en streek

Uitgever: Lannoo N.V., Uitgeverij

This book is the result of all our travels in and outside Bangkok and my experiences as a passionate Thai food chef in Europe. Its purpose is to provide you with an insight into the Thai street food culture and tos hare with you our authentic street food recipes. Most dishes are widely available in many food markets and public places around Thailand. We hope this book will help you to recognise the dishes presented there and will function as a guide for visiting the addresses we are proud to mention.
Bron: Titelbank (ongeredigeerd)

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