The Sit Smart Diet

ISBN: 9789082059960

Auteurs: Annemarie de Vries-Postma

Publicatiedatum: 25-04-2019

Publicatiestatus: aankondiging

Publicatievorm: Paperback

NUR: 443: Dieetboeken

Uitgever: Annemarie’s Health B.V.

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The Sit Smart DietThe lifesaving plan for health and longevity for wheelchair users By Annemarie de Vries-Postma What exactly happens in your body when you end up in a wheelchair? How do you stay slim, healthy and fit? How do you prevent, treat or reverse the many secondary conditions of living in a wheelchair through nutrition?The Sit Smart Diet is a practical nutritional guide for wheelchair users as well as and their families, friends, caregivers, health care- and medical professionals. It is the first nutrition book to address the unique needs and health challenges of people with SCI.With this groundbreaking book, founder of AM Lifestyle Medicine Center, nutritionist and wheelchair user Annemarie de Vries-Postma, present much-needed information in an easy-to-read format, and provide a sound and science-based alternative to the outdated dietary guidelines in rehabilitation centers, nursing homes and hospitals.
Bron: Titelbank (ongeredigeerd)

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