
ISBN: 9789082670509

Auteurs: Gert Crum

Publicatiedatum: 15-08-2017

Publicatiestatus: unspec

Publicatievorm: Hardback

NUR: 447: Wijn en dranken

Uitgever: Digipublishers B.V. | Imprint: Digipublishers B.V.

An informative and intriguing book of Gert Crum, as author and Jan Bartelsman, as photographer, about the recent changes in Champagne. A book about Champagne, its exciting producers and their best champagnes. This book is almost a sociological study of the latest developments regards domaines and maisons, the rapidly growing interest in terroir champagnes and the need for a more organic viticulture. This is a guide of champagne producers who matter, with hundreds of tasting notes. Above all, this book is a gorgeous book of pictures of the country, the people and their wines, lovingly detailed with Cees Nouwens' striking illustrations.
Bron: Titelbank (ongeredigeerd)

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