¡Sabor Sabor!

ISBN: 9789089898005

Auteurs: Sandra Alvarez

Publicatiedatum: 22-10-2019

Publicatiestatus: verlopen

Publicatievorm: Hardback

NUR: 441: Basis kookboeken

Uitgever: Terra - Lannoo, Uitgeverij | Imprint: Terra

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When participating at Masterchef Holland in 2015, Sandra received a lot of appreciation for her Spanish recipes. She decided to make her traditional family recipes - from Santiago de Compostella to hip Ibiza - simpler, more modern and healthier. They contain less sugar and more vegetables than the traditional dishes. She also presents vegetarian and vegan varieties and has something for every budget. With Sandra's stories one gets the Spanish lifestyle and atmosphere of the country. She succeeds in getting people to cook Spanish in an enthusiastic way. With these easy-to-prepare recipes, with few ingredients and tasty sauces, you quickly get the best out of the Spanish kitchen out on the table.
Bron: Titelbank (ongeredigeerd)

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