Vineyard Bordeaux

ISBN: 9789401445627

Auteurs: Dirk De Mesmaeker Andrew Verschetze

Publicatiedatum: 12-06-2017

Publicatiestatus: verlopen

Publicatievorm: Hardback

NUR: 440: Eten en drinken algemeen, 447: Wijn en dranken

Uitgever: Lannoo N.V., Uitgeverij

?Vineyard Bordeaux tells the story of the Belgian winemakers who operate in the Bordeaux region. Discover the stories of famous vineyards such as Château Pabus, Château La Haye, Château Villemaurine, Château Badette, La Marzelle and Le Pin. This book details the wine-making process, while giving the reader an intimate feel for the localities where these wines are produced.
Bron: Titelbank (ongeredigeerd)

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