Yo kids - Let's go Paleo!

ISBN: 9789402600803

Auteurs: Sandra van Schijndel

Publicatiedatum: 01-10-2015

Publicatiestatus: verlopen

Publicatievorm: Paperback

NUR: 440: Eten en drinken algemeen

Uitgever: Aerial Media Company B.V.

After the big success of 'Let's go Paleo!', Sandra van Schijndel's first book, this autumn the sequel for children will be released. 'Yo Kids, let's go Paleo!' is finalized in the same fresh way and contains many recipes for parents with children who like to eat according to the Paleo principle. Or who would like to become acquainted with the Paleo principle. What is special about this book is that it offers much more than only recipes. The book offers parents a good way to introduce the Paleo principle to their children. And the recipes are offered thematically in various themes: children's parties, school lunches, party snacks and what to do on holidays such as Easter and Christmas. The book also deals extensively with the dressing and extra activities.
Bron: Titelbank (ongeredigeerd)

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