Nepali recipes

ISBN: 9789463426824

Auteurs: Women'S Center VSN

Publicatiedatum: 12-04-2017

Publicatiestatus: unspec

Publicatievorm: Paperback

NUR: 442: Keuken per land en streek

Uitgever: Mijnbestseller B.V.

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With the help of this Nepali recipe book, you can travel to Nepal without buying a plane ticket. While cooking you will already smell the smell of Nepal and by eating the food you can imagine you are there (again). The recipes are written by a group of Nepali women, who didn't have an English education when they were younger. Volunteer Society Nepal founded a Women's Center where they can learn English and Math. Unfortunately the building is very small and lacking of windows and electricity. That's why we are building a new Center, where more women can enjoy getting an education. By buying this book, you will fund the new Center and make a lot of lovely ladies very happy.
Bron: Titelbank (ongeredigeerd)

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