Secret Seasoning

ISBN: 9789464590715

Auteurs: Elise Coudré Ferran Altarriba Bertran

Publicatiedatum: 28-04-2022

Publicatiestatus: aankondiging

Publicatievorm: Paperback

NUR: 440: Eten en drinken algemeen

Uitgever: Meta4Books vzw

This inspirational guide is the first book ever to provide you with eating inspiration! Because a memorable meal experience doesn’t only comprise deliciously cooked food. Secret seasoning comprises eight different ingredients that you can add to a meal. Only instead of changing the flavour of the food, secret seasoning will change the flavour of the whole experience! The ingredients turn eating into increasingly playful, fun and memorable events. The inspirational guide will go over all the ingredients of secret seasoning in depth while providing you with a lot of visual material, hands-on prompts and reflections on eating. You can use the guide to start experimenting with joyful eating yourself. But more than that it aims to serve as a source of inspiration to create your own playful experiences and then mesmerize your guests with well-orchestrated dinners that are unforgettable!
Bron: Titelbank (ongeredigeerd)

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