A slow food guide to Friesland

ISBN: 9789492052278

Auteurs: Gitte Brugman

Publicatiedatum: 01-11-2016

Publicatiestatus: unspec

Publicatievorm: Paperback

NUR: 440: Eten en drinken algemeen

Uitgever: Wijdemeer Louw Dijkstra | Imprint: Wijdemeer Louw Dijkstra

A Slow Food Guide to Friesland is your guide to Friesland and the development of slow food in the region. It will introduce you to the producers, their best products and the food establishments that serve them.In addition A Slow Food Guide to Friesland provides background information on the food culture in the different parts of the province.It shows that Friesland has a lot to offer. Excellent regional produce complements the beautiful scenery, rich history and a related array of activities.
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